Short-term Rentals Are Not Allowed in Tanglewood Shores

Attention all Tanglewood Shores home and property owners, realtors, potential buyers and other interested members of the public:

 Per our by-laws and restrictions

 No Short-Term Rentals (STRs)                 No Airbnbs permitted     

  1. Tanglewood Shores, without exception, and per our by-laws and restrictions, does not allow STRs nor Airbnbs.

 Tanglewood Shores:

  • Is a private, single-family home subdivision [page 1, item 2]
  • Limits commercial business to Lots 1-18 on Potters Creek Road [page 1, item 2]
  • Does not permit residence of temporary character [page 2, item 9]

2) Also, per bylaws and restrictions

  • Camping by property owners is restricted to a two-week period per month [page 3]

Violators are subject to lawsuits.